The early days of a business idea, it’s bubbling inside you, it’s growing in your mind everyday, marinating, until a call to action sets the wheels in motion. You feel ready!
It’s the beginning of a journey, a commitment to something that becomes an innate part of you, you believe you must see it through and create a life of purpose.
Your passion becomes your purpose.
It’s in the early days of opening a business even with preparation and being a realistic visionary can stumble along the journey once the realities and daily responsibilities overcome and sometimes can diminish the original dream.
A business journey is not for the faint hearted, it is for the well supported, logical, adaptive, resolute, stubborn, committed, strong strength of character who keep the sailing over the rough seas.
It is those who truly believe in the creation of something bigger than themselves who know to achieve this vision they must engage a robust team to sail along with them.
Why would you take this all on your shoulders, and if you decide to continue with this level of stress, it is at what cost?
There’s a much easier direction to take on your purposeful journey and that is with someone along side you who has taken the journey before. A mentor, an advisor, a sounding board, have become a business owners necessity and will be your strongest ally in your leadership team.
Why would you risk jumping into the ocean without a life jacket when we can provide a life raft for you?
Want expert guidance? Talk to me, Jeanette Farren at Lighthouse for Business.